Last night was one of those nights that I will remember for a long time.
During our small group get together at the park on Tuesday, Lee Steffen mentioned that there was a taping for PBS Storytellers type show going on this week, and that he had an email to get us on the VIP list. Come to find out, Thursday night (last night) was Richard Marx/ Kenny Loggins and 3 Doors Down. Happens that I've always been a fan of Richard and Kenny so I knew it was going to be an amazing night. Bonnie and I went down with our friends Greg, Robin and Brittany. On the way down to the taping, I got a call at 430 that Metallica was going to be doing a private show at the Basement Club here in town. The club only holds a couple of hundred, so it was going to be amazing to see a band of this magnitude at such a small place. I knew that we already had tickets to the taping, so we proceeded to that thinking how cool the Metallica show would've been.
We ended up getting front row (plenty of camera time, I'll be the chunky one next to my beautiful wife)for the taping. The show was great, each of the 3 did 5 songs a piece. I won't spoil the songs so you can be surprised when you catch it on tv soon.
After the show all the artists hung out, so Bonnie encouraged me to go down and get a photo with Richard Marx.
We then left for home. On the way back, Bonnie had to stop by her old apartment. The route we took had us going by the Basement club. As we drove by, all the busses were still there, so we turned in and parked. There were some people waiting around outside so we thought, why not. Turns out, we got to meet Robert (bass player)
What really surprised me was how nice they were. I guess you always think these "heavy metal rock stars" are going to be angry etc., this was not the case. In fact, Bonnie made a comment that her camera battery was dying almost under her breath, and James looks around and says "who's camera battery is dying"?
Last night once again showed me how amazing a wife I have. It was getting late as we were driving by the Basement, and she could've easily said she was tired and had to get up early. She didn't, her immediate reaction was to turn in and wait as long as it took, smiling and being amazing the whole time. She showed me love and unselfishness in that instance last night.
Today we got to the TV taping again. Just so happens today Bonnie's favorite artist Mindy Smith is singing. It's fun to see her excited and almost nervous about it. Hopefully I'll have a new story and photo to share tomorrow!
This is my favorite blog ever. You sure make me sound good, but just know that I was only doing all that so that you would take my picture with Mindy Smith today ;)
How cool is that, seeing James!!!
BTW, when did Richard Marx turn into a skinny old lady???
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