Another year has flown by since my last blog. So much has happened in a year! I've been thinking of doing a little more blogging, mostly just for myself to get thoughts out. I've had a few friends tell me that I should write about favorite eating establishments, and new music that I'm listening to and have discovered. Music is an easy one for me, outside of God and my wife, it's my passion. Here's a few things I've been listening to lately.

Slash's new record has been pretty constant in the rotation. If you're a fan of straight up "no holds barred" R&R with pretty killer production, this one is for you. The record is 14 songs with 13 different load vocalists including Ozzy, Chris Cornell, Kid Rock, Adam Levine (Maroon5) and oddly enough Fergie. The Fergie track "Beautiful Dangerous" is smokin'. I'm not a Fergie fan usually either, but she kills this song. With Lala no longer around, I must resort to youtube for a sample of the song.

The Bird and the Bee have released a new record called "Interpreting the Masters, a tribute to Hall and Oates". Growing up in the 80's, you couldn't turn on the radio without hearing one of the many hits from Hall and Oates. I can still remember being in first grade hearing "You Make My Dreams" and loving it. I was hooked from that point on. Now some almost 30 years later, The Bird and The Bee releases a covers record of 8 Hall & Oates favorites, and one new song with mentions to Hall & Oates hits. Check out this cover.
There are quite a few more that I'm loving including the new Hanson release, but thought these 2 would be a good diverse start :)
Also lookout for the new Maroon5 single and album coming soon. Produced by Mutt Lange, it sounds great!